My account statistics - how to understand the graph / drawing (

2018年5月30日 04:18来自:ta007


I am from Poland, playing 101 weiqi since a month. I am using google translate, to translate the webpage / problems to English :)

At ( there are my account statistics.
What does mean:

1) Blue line?
2) Black line??
3) Green line?

And what does Y axis values means 0 - 100 for green line, the 0,25,90,100,110,120 for black and blue line on the top?

I will be grateful for help and explanations !

All the best from Poland :)

roboter 写于 2018-5-30 1:351楼 

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llp 写于 2018-5-30 4:202楼 
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llp 写于 2018-5-30 4:353楼 
Blue line means your score at 101,and that reflects your rank of go approximately.(原谅我英语水平不咋地……)
Black line means the number of the go-problems you have done whether you do it right or not.
And the Green line means your correct rate of your problem completing.
(大概就这样吧……) @ta007,
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ta007 写于 2018-5-30 12:474楼 
Big thank you :) !

Maybe one day I will lean Chinesse \(^_^)/
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ta007 写于 2018-5-30 12:515楼 
And answer is YES, I am 波兰人 :-)

101weiqi is great portal, that is a pitty it is not in English. If needed, I can translate for portal administrators some basic strings to english.

As well, I would pay for my account, but I cannot transfer money for it from Poland or pay another way...that is a pitty.
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roboter 写于 2018-5-30 15:66楼 
Thank you, @ta007,the English version is included in the plan and will be available within about two months
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ta007 写于 2018-5-31 5:527楼 

That is great! Do you plan as well to enable another payment type for premium account for persons not from China?
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roboter 写于 2018-5-31 14:238楼 
Thanks, we may enable paypal payment type :)
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aozhen666 写于 2018-6-1 3:539楼 
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土城國中裡的人 写于 2018-6-7 12:3910楼 
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 4:5811楼 
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 4:5912楼 
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 5:113楼 
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 5:1314楼 
101Weiqi network is very good,the question library classification and stratification are very good
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 5:1515楼 
@RK2007 你的英语很烂吗?
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RK2007 写于 2018-6-12 13:1716楼 
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 14:1917楼 
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我叫小Q 写于 2018-6-12 14:2118楼 
@ta007,You cannot speak Chinese,can you?
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我叫小Q 写于 2018-6-12 14:2319楼 
My ENGLISH isn't very good ,but we can communicate simply.
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 14:3520楼 
@我叫小Q 咱们英语都不咋地
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books 写于 2018-6-12 14:5121楼 
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-12 14:5522楼 
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-13 9:3923楼 
My English is terrible,too.
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-13 9:4124楼 
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-13 9:4625楼 
@ta007,you can't speak Chinese?
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-13 9:4826楼 
@ta007,can you speak Chinese?
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-13 9:4927楼 
I can't speak English very well.
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-13 14:528楼 
yes,my English isn’t very good,sorry
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llp 写于 2018-6-13 22:2529楼 
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莉莉丝偶家 写于 2018-6-14 4:1530楼 
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-14 9:1931楼 
It's an interesting subject.
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乔帮主2008 写于 2018-6-14 15:032楼 
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llp 写于 2018-6-14 22:3533楼 
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books 写于 2018-6-15 0:234楼 
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张嵘嵘 写于 2018-6-16 10:2335楼 
Yes ,it is. @llp
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鹦鹉童子 写于 2018-6-21 7:1536楼 
@ta007,Can we play chess?
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鹦鹉童子 写于 2018-6-21 8:2337楼 
@ta007,Are you here?
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鹦鹉童子 写于 2018-6-21 9:2638楼 
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地球脉动 写于 2018-6-30 4:3539楼 
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Jacky 写于 2018-7-13 1:1240楼 
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llp 写于 2018-7-13 2:4841楼 
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username 写于 2018-12-19 5:4642楼 
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username 写于 2018-12-28 11:4143楼 
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andy大宝 写于 2019-1-4 13:344楼 
@王子辰1 Really?Can you have a try?
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魏思莀 写于 2024-3-12 8:5445楼 
l'm eight years old
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