黑先 死活题 12K+

黑先 死活题 12K+

陳禧 職業四段創作   编辑题目

b03a01338提供 编号:Q-199369  3231 对 / 1136 错  落点分布

旋转棋盘 棋盘居中  落子确认关闭中,开启


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陳禧-C哥鋒哥詰棋集第一章節 (1月3日)章节


CarolineLi 写于 2021-3-30 22:36
Not too easy but I got it right.
I am so glad that I got it right.
I just used 4 seconds to finish this problem because I did it before.
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CarolineLi 写于 2021-3-30 22:48
At the end of this problem white will be eaten and die.
This problem is a 12k+ but I am a 9k+ go player.
There are 7 steps.4 steps Are black and 3 steps are white.
There are no white stones on the board in this problem.
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CarolineLi 写于 2021-3-30 22:59
Black is completely alive.
Black dose not need to make eyes any more because “more eyes you make the less space you have.
White has a cutting point so “if you find the cutting point, that is the first place to put your stone on.(🐛🦖🤩)!
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新手人 写于 2021-4-25 10:14
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097孙振 写于 2021-11-21 02:51
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王嘉琪老师 写于 2022-5-29 06:19
At the end of this problem white will be eaten and die.
This problem is a 12k+ but I am a 9k+ go player.
There are 7 steps.4 steps Are black and 3 steps are white.
There are no white stones on the board in this problem.
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